Yeah - I ran a big Minecraft server at the time... the thing grew to 96gigs (it was mostly a creative server - ppl building thousands and thousands of structures on it - I had it setup in giant plots) - but i had to pull a "dad from the Lego Movie" move and Crazy Glue the whole thing because it was killing my laptop's hard drive. They still ask me to turn it back on and when I get a new computer I will. Or... someday I'll chop out their creations and get them to them somehow - maybe if I get a hold of a 3D printer and track them down in a few years. 27,000 unique visitors over 2 years... still blows my mind. ah shit, you beat me by a year. I saw Minecraft when it came out and said, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YOU'RE GONNA GET HOOKED ON THIS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and then... my nephew wanted me to start a server. I was like.. fuck, I'm gonna get hooked I'm gonna get hooked I'm gonna get hooked. And I got hooked. I suck at building - actually the whole thing, except mining. Love mining. But I loved running a server and all the technical stuff - hooking the chat system into IRC and letting people text each other from the game, having it feed into a website... fun stuff.