Triboot? Oh wow - did it have the Virtualization BIOS - whatever it's called? I never messed with that but if I had a proper computer with some hot-swappable drives, I'd do it. This old laptop is on its second keyboard - I blew though the first - it's a Toshiba $400 special and it's probably on its 3rd year just about. Still running Win7. It _could've_ run 8. It *can* run 10.. but I don't want Microsoft scrambling my HD and requiring me to be online all of the time. Really not happy with that part of Win10, as my mother was hit with one of those Crypto Ransom things that scrambled HER files.. and they haven't figured out how to fix it yet, so I had to spent a very long night making it workable again. Then again, if my next computer came with Win10, I'd probably just use it. I have VMware on an externalHD that I break out sometimes and play with. I love checking out alt-operating systems, especially some of the old-school ones. I even managed to run an early 1990s BBS on a VMWare Win98 in the command prompt running DOSBox. It was the only way to get it to work at all. Proud moment - got a few ppl to hook in to telnet into it.