anti-dis-establish-ment-ar-ian-ism - love that word too. An adherent would be an antidisestablishmentarianist (same length too) - I never got into geology but I am fasctinated about how the planet came to be. I remember I was in a church camp where we were helping with Habitat for Humanity - I was like 13 yrs old - and I was bored, staring at a globe. All of the sudden I thought, "Wait a minute -... these pieces fit TOGETHER! They must've been together a long time ago!" - that was like in 1985. Told all the other kids and the adults there - they were like, "Woah - holy crap" 'cause they didn't notice it either. I didn't hear about Pangea until 1990 in college. It was awesome to see a whole school of thought on it yet I was mad they didn't teach me that in school. The tectonic plates still blow my mind - the earth swallowing itself up on one s... "