There is another form of hater: some haters only love those who agree with them. Anybody who does not agree with them becomes the hated and is thrown out of the playground. "You suggested I might be wrong. That is unacceptable. Therefore you're not a member of my club. You are hated and you are banned by me and those who agree with me, who are lovers of me but haters of you. Banished be you!" Tha...t is a form of hater that is a subversive hater, for this form of hater believes in a force of Hate that surrounds themselves that emminates from anyone they do not love. Since they love only those who agree with them 100% of the time, the circle of love can be very tiny indeed and the background of hate reaches to the far corners of the planet, even if this hate is a figment (for only a select few care enough to love you or hate you, but the major... "