My whole life, I've been a slow-and-steady eater. In elementary school, they'd send me down a few minutes early and let me stay a few minutes late because I ate at one speed. One speed. It's normal for me. I _really_ enjoy each bite. I was the fastest runner 3rd-5th grade every year but the slowest eater. So I wondered if there's any scientific stuff about slow-eating? They're not sure why yet, but apparently, slow eaters are less likely to develop metabolic syndrome. So hey, that's something. I'm sure I could find something really great about fast-eating if I looked too, but I'm just happy to find something nice about my slow eating. Not that it matters. I'm not going to rush when I eat. You'll just have to leave me there as the world disappears around me and I just enjoy... each... bite. Is it rude of me? Probably. Don't mean it to be. Food is like mouth firecrackers to me. Exploding colors. It's a show.