I drew up plans as a teenager (80s) for a device that could take charges from the surrounding area and convert it to a trickle charging battery. So it could be surrounded by anything and grab the ions. I mean, it was just an idea and I'd just learned about ions but it seemed logical. Anyway, yeah - some people think I'm evil because I root for Edison (company) battery over AC. Nothing against Tesla mind you. But so many of our devices are already DC. They use wasteful AC through transformers down to DC. I mean.. WHATIF Edison had won? AC would be restricted to things like motors that need it. DC and battery technology might be 100 years ahead. Oh well. We're starting to catch up now. == True. I mean we wanted power and we wanted it NOW. AC gave raw power. DC gave us, well, just what we needed and nothing else. == I agree. I think we're a pretty free thinking group. I credit dor 99% of it honestly. I mean I've seen people butt heads a *little* here... I once raised skeptical eyebrows at Kurzweil, transhumanism and singularity, which led to a slightly heated discussion but... it wasn't a debate. it was a discussion. that's what's refreshing. There's discussion smile emoticon