The thing that gets me about a lot of the New Atheist heroes and the way they talk about religion - they're like George Carlin or Monty Python... but without the funny. I was raised with Carlin and Monty Python. They had fun with the absurdities of religion. Made people laugh. I mean, anybody over the age of 11 knows the absurdities in various religious things - or at least their own. But it's one thing to go "yeah, haha - silliness, eh?" and another to make it a personal missions to educate-the-world. I guess 'cause I've heard it all before, I don't know why ppl still get excited over it. So many times I'll read a long rambling piece just to hear at the end, "AND THAT'S WHY RELIGION NEEDS TO GO AWAY". Then another piece with the same conclusion, "AND THAT'S WHY RELIGION IS BAD". and the like... and it's like.. ok ok, I get it. You no like it. Ok....