My needs are small now. One day it hit me while watching Star Trek:TNG during the Dr. Who-is-gone-forever-era. Would _I_ trust a force field? What about the tin-foil shells of today's beyond-atmosphere craft? Or what about a ship? Would I go across the ocean on a large boat? And all of these were "probably not". That's me though. I'd likely do the vomit-comet and I'd gladly see the "thin blue line". But I'm not much for long car rides either if I can help it. So, for me, I'd be happy to see someone else doing it live on TV. I was always a little envious of the moon-landing era. It's before my time. == I think it's the speed for me. I'd gladly go through a portal and get demolecularized if it means I didn't have experience the long travel time. I once read a book that involved portal travel that you had to keep your eyes closed. I don't remember who wrote it. Anyway, in this story, if you opened your eyes while in transit, you would EXPERIENCE the travel time and _age_ horrendously and painfully quickly. Of course, one boy HAD to open his eyes and came out the other side an old man, much to the horror of his family. == 5.2 MB/s is it's top speed on a clear day. 5.2MB/S - my DSL is 10Mb/s with 0.768MB/S upload speed on a good day. So I would DEFINITELY be on Facebook and uploading videos to youtube and stuff smile emoticon [probably making 100s of Vines though - that's my favorite way to share little things] ==