I sometimes think of being an asshole and writing everything in a profound sounding way. It's not hard to do. Switch words around. Use a phrasing common to profound stuff. I could get ppl to fall all over me. "ooh how wise". I've done it from time to time for ego-strokes. But I just can't. I know it's bullshit as I'm writing it. I mean, I may believe in the content of what I'm writing, but the DELIVERY would just be dripping with... just... too much... and I'd feel like an asshole doing it 'cause it's emotional manipulation. [ ZL* if you can make shit up that sounds somewhat profound, you can do it KU The profundity brought forth from the imaginings of the creative mind leads to output with the aroma known by all but avoided by most.* - Z.L.'15. profounditizing what you said. aroma=smell of shit. Best I could do *