I go even to more ancient times as well: BBS', AOL chat rooms, Usenet, green screen dumb terminals. I even remember... BEFORE.... One of the first real programs I wrote by myself was a typing tutor in BASIC. I'm a nerd4lyfe. smile emoticon I hate the fact that I could never get my fingers fast enough to get my thoughts out. I'm still this kid down there trying to figure out, "HOW CAN I do it better?] == You didn't miss anything. Usenet is a decentralized Facebook with immediate store-and-forward worldwide public message dispersion and any pictures or videos had to be encoded in ASCII first. I LOVED Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. She was the best smile emoticon _SHE_ is what made me get fast. == My mom WANTED to homeschool us, but I'm 43: a child in the ... 80s *sigh* - and homeschooling at the time was "just for wacko parents" and she couldn't get anywhere with it. It got more socially acceptable not long after that, but I survived by going to a tiny private school for high school. Public school is not suitable for humans. == But be not fooled: We're the Ancient Ones on the 'net. We remember dialup.