It took lots of hard work from lots of people through the years to make me who I am today. It's not easy to program a human being, but I believe they have succeeded in programming me. I function perfectly* == Au contraire. I help fix people at their cores. I don't fix anybody though. People fix themselves. I use whatever tools are required. Absurdism is a strong tool because most people can relate to it. The overly serious are more difficult to fix but it's possible too. They're overly wrapped up in their heads and guided by ancient frustrations but it's still possible. = Adulthood is a myth. I'm convinced now. I was 17 when I got on AOL (it was called PC-Link at first) - even got to beta test neverwinter nights which was awesome. But I played "dad" a few times for others through the years to help them get back on. Benefit of always being a few years older than the people who like seeing what I type. Never bothered me. They can scold me instead - it's just words - and always got them back online. == But I don't think of* as a troll. I don't separate people into troll / not-troll categories. It's just people. No one is different to me. == I don't even know why I notice these trends either - but I think it's 'cause I'm fascinated that there's a WHOLE GENERATION of people who are growing up with an amazing environment available. There's a lot of good and of course there's a lot of evil (like online bullying - which is a big deal if your identity is wrapped up in your online persona) but overall, I think it'll be a stronger generation for it. I wanna know who's gonna be in charge when I'm an old man so I notice trends and try to anticipate what effects they'll have. I see mostly good things. ==