I've found that love, like duty, is better understood as an active verb rather than a noun. I don't believe there is a personified Love or a personified Duty, as if ancient Greek Gods. I see them both as "doings". Actions. They're also understandings, but I even see understandings as an active process, for when is the mind and emotion ever truly static? I can consider this coffee mug over here static. A noun. I'm aware of its continually moving properties, both internally and where it's sitting on the planet thanks to the happenstance of having many thick objects between it and the center of gravity at the middle of the planet... but for my purposes, it works as a noun. But Love and Duty are real as doings. I hesitate to say "both inner doings and outer doings" because I don't see too much of a distinction between inner and outer, except the inner is a bit more flexible and creative smile emoticon Defining them can be a little tricky: How do you outline Love? How do you outline Duty? [to define something is to put an outline around it - and I'm thinking a literal outline] So, that's my starting point. I'm not sure where to take it from here but I wanted to get this concept out and gather some thoughts from others here.