Aw, there's no need to place intrinsic value into words if you don't want to. I can say, "I wasted my life" and it's not going to suddenly come true unless I believe it. Even then, believing it doesn't make it true. Making it true makes it true. == I'm saying that you can say "I wasted my life" without believing that life can be wasted or that you've have in some way. Life isn't money. Time isn't money. There's no utilitarian wasting. Even if an outer system tries to convince you of that doesn't mean you have to actualize it. Point is, if you can't waste your life, saying "I wasted my life" is actually a meaningless statement without value and therefore you could say it freely without concern smile emoticon == I know. It's hard to say. I think we all still have a little superstition inside that says, "If I say the words, they come true". You don't have to say it - it was just a challenge. ==