Oh this is one of my favorite territories. Seeing "amygdalae" just gave me a happy chill. Never used the plural form. I call it the "push from the amygdala". One of my favorite "brain circuits" (to stick with the computer/brain metaphor, which is hard to avoid using 'cause it's handy) - is the way the amygdala can give a stronger 'push' to the prefrontal cortex than the very weak way the prefrontal cortex can give back to the amygdala. Hence: your reasoning is driven by emotion, to put it simply. You can use your reasoning to control your emotion but the connection is ... wispier and takes training to strengthen the connection. That's my simplified take on it. Somewhere in my files I have the relative speeds (more data metaphors) for the amygdala --> prefrontal cortex vs the prefrontal cortex --> amydala. It's a striking difference and explains a lot for me.