I think the main point is: There are some EXTREME human rights violations taking place that: *DO NOT COMPARE* to - freedom of speech laws - circumcising - greed Even most of Islam is humanist enough to NOT throw acid on a daughter that has premarital sex or whatever. By saying, "All religion needs to go" or even "All Islam is more evil than [x]" (like the OP), it is WEAKENING its forcefulness. Want change to happen? Focus on human rights abuses. Want to just say, "Religion is stupid. Yeah it's stupid". Then keep doing what you do. But there's more than enough real human right abuses happening that can be fought *without* needing to then slander an entire people that one can fight. [/end rant] ---- "Children : Starving :: Wifi : Down" = [1]#firstworldproblem == That's how I look at it too. I'm an old-school secular humanist (not of the new school of secular humanist). == I'm sure I'm also being very naive in the process of thinking this way too though. Bombs are still gonna fall. Borders are going to go up and down and in the end we're STILL living in the most peaceful time in history. === 'll do more here and there. I try to do it through my attitude but I suppose I could be a little less obscure sometimes. == References Visible links 1. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/firstworldproblem?hc_location=ufi