Love is a verb. It's a process. What _exactly_ that process is, I don't know really, except that it's related to communication, either with another or within one's self. What's communicating with what? I don't know. But I know it's not _really_ a noun, like a key or a lock or a ball or a door, even though we use it that way. == I don't know the name but the "love as verb" is how I see a lot of action/relationship instances that are incorrectly used as nouns in my opinion. I'm not surprised if others picked up on it too though. It's one of those things that's 'obvious once you see it'. == Many of the common analogies/metaphors for love-as-noun are really actions masquerading as static things. "Love is a key". Well, what does a key do? It opens a lock. What's the lock? The heart. What's the heart? The emotions. What's happening when the love opens the lock of the heart to the emotions? Communication. Kinda like that. ==