I've achieved every one of my dream so far but I had to change my view of success away from "This Is How I Make Money And Prestige" into "Am I doing the same types of things I would have done were this my paid, honored profession?" If the answer is "Yes", then I am a success grin emoticon = Psychologist for example. I knew I could do it, but after interviewing a few as a teenager, I knew it "wasn't enough". Yet, the urge always remained. It was years before I realized I had been doing it all along - and continue to - yet I'm more effective "out here" because I can do things they CAN'T do. == I* could probably name a dozen potential professions I consider myself competent enough in as I bet you could for yourself; and there's a great satisfaction in knowing, if you had to suddenly take the place of a professional in that field, you'd do fine. = Yup - there's always 'delete account'! I like a good pissing contest sometimes; good for the blood to get it boiling somethings I think. I'm not ALWAYS Mr. Nice Guy, especially when someone gets my goat, but in the end, I always have fun. =