It's such a part of Western Civ (and really the world's now) way of thinking, that it's hard to "imagine" without it. [images / forms / ideals - this eternal, never-changing alternate reality where the perfect forms of everything is and we draw from it for our fallen reality is] - all his. = I never read him much directly - just 8-bit philosophy, a little stuff in high school although most of it I learned in studying "what's wrong with plato" rather than what's right with him, so I sorta learned in reverse. == I'm just thinking Plato here - ultimately, I don't think images or words have any primacy - neither does music or any other form of inward or outward expression. I think our comprehensions are all analogies in the end - part of our process of cognition rather than alt universes and such. == A deep comprehension that doesn't have applicable words, images, sounds or analogies to make. "Oneness" experiences are like that. Nothing to compare them to - that's why they sound weird when people try to describe them. ==