Hm, I was 8 when Reagan came to power. I remember the election - I rooted for the guy they called a "Dark Horse" 'cause that sounded cool. John Anderson. Don't know squat about him - still don't. But I would've voted for him because he was something different. My surprise when I found out later that we're a two party system. I was like, "Yeah, what about that #3 guy I saw as a kid?" I remember the hostages being brought back and finding that exciting. I remember Reagan getting the credit but I heard enough from the detractors to know even at 8 years old that it was Carter's hard work that got them to a point where they could be released and that Reagan was taking all of the glory. 8 years old: just at the age when kids start seeing the bullshit around them and already I saw politicians as liars. Somewhere in elementary school I did a book report on ex President Carter the Peanut Farmer. In fact, we did a LOT of stuff about peanuts in school. I have no idea why. The black dude that did the experiments with peanuts - I did a report on him as well. Maybe I liked peanuts. Anyway, I'll have to look more into this. Being raised in this environment, I always believed that government is bloated but that the bloat is necessary for its own stability. I always believed the middle class to be a fiction from the 1950s TV shows. Is that from Reagan? I dunno. I'll have to look more into 'before'. Somehow I think the article writer is giving more credit to Reagan than is due, but he *did* seem to be a powerhouse, so it's understandable. Think about it Nixon was impeached in the prior decade. IMPEACHED. Republican. Impeached. Before my time but to me, the idea is unfathomable. I think that might have put more a chink in the armor than anything, but I dunno.