I think we're more or less reading off of the same page. Same web page. But also the same way of thinking. Which isn't a way per se; there's not a pathway in the woods that leads us to the same conclusion.... then again, who is leading? Ah - phantoms called ideas. I'd call them constructs but who is constructing? Perhaps they are like magnets with more than two poles, self-arranging based upon happenstance of proximity. But what set them apart in the first place and why are not not already of one mind? Unless we are and forgot... if it is possible to really forget, or if they are just buried in the nervous system somewhere, hiding behind a fat white blood cell or a little calcium deposit that refuses to dislodge perhaps. == Soppy or not doesn't matter man, "I love you too" grin emoticon I fell in love with your riddle-cu-lously, abstractly literally, terser-than-a-fictitious-mathematical-point comments in a Philosophy group I once belonged to (that was taking up too much of my time after a while) - and knew I'd forever enjoy what unraveled from those nuggets of compacted,multidimensional mobius stringing-people-alongs. ==