Reasoning by Analogy. It is a very powerful tool. It has created companies like Toys R' Us and Staples by their analogizing properly to Supermarkets, and destroyed companies like Enron who analogized to energy markets without realizing that their analogies were superficial in nature and that there were deep disconnects between them. We use analogies all of the time; ultimately, it's likely the very way we learn anything. But as much as we learn things correctly, we also learn things incorrectly. Trial and error is useful in novel situations but few situations are truly novel: there's usually an analogy available. Deduction is very useful but typically restricted to simpler problems with simpler answers that are straight forward. Of course there are other methods as well, but analogies are one of the most all-purpose. But the danger of superficial analogizing always looms and must be avoided. Here's a basic guide to analogical reasoning for problem solving.[1]reasoning-by-analogy References Visible links 1.