I do it for the AI imbeciles. hashtagging increases indexing on various aggregators. _sometimes_ I'll use it for a quick search but rarely. Always promoting something somehow, usually just 'me'. But really, I think of the computers. They need keyword food. == They're actually really great for organizing information that's produced in a non-linear fashion. For example, on Vine, the [1]#followKennethUdut hashtag is one I put on comments to people who give me "shoutouts" or say something nice about me, or tell people to follow me. Then, at a click, I can quickly gather together all posts from everywhere on the subject I choose over whatever course of time by whatever source person. It's quick and dirty. Serves a good purpose when used properly. == References Visible links 1. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/followkennethudut?hc_location=ufi