It's humbling when your eureka experience is somebody else's, "Oh yeah that." experience smile emoticon It's all a part of the learning process. I find going from eureka! to eureka! is useful, especially when I find out I wasn't the first. Then I can learn from the one who DID IT, and progress further... and then I await the next eureka moment* :) I probably get a dozen or so mini "eureka's" a day now. I seek them out by looking for unexpected analogies between unexpected things, seeing where the connect and where they disconnect. I love it myself. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is because I'm more of a generalist rather than a specialist, but I just love the sensation, the realization, and the productivity (for me, it's writing and understanding something novel) I get out of it. I hurry up and try to explain it to someone else. That's when I know I've grasped it well, and then can move on to the next fascinating "wow" moment* :)