Fair enough, but you understand the OP was historical and sociological and not primarily philosophical? I don't mind that you're all pursuing that direction instead but perhaps it points to a deeper flaw in the OP (beyond the obvious Chopra flaw I made) whereby I did not convey properly the intentions. == There are fads in every institution. The way things are "supposed to work" and the way things "actually" work are influenced by surrounding culture and internal politics. I'm speaking of the messy world of humans rather than ideals. == No no, not directly causal in such a simple way, no. It's not a+b=b+a. Ok. At some point in the near future today, should I get some freer time, I'll do a little background research and translate the OP in a form that has more of a 'textual' rather than 'contextual' flavor. = a) Buddhism isn't a pure thing. b) The form of Buddhism that entered the USA was a watered down version. c) This form of Buddhism that was watered down has SINCE become further watered down and has had the religious component extracted from it and turned into a thing called "Buddhist Philosophy". This is a modern usage. Now the trajectories should be easy enough to trace. It's likely I'll be able to trace them through a few simple individuals and make a branching tree of theories that came off from their roots, many of which we take for granted today, but in, say, 1961, 1964, wouldn't even be considered worth anybody's time to publish in the journals. == There might be deeper roots, but I wish to postulate that these roots would not even be under consideration today had it not been for their critical connection being made THEN. In short, had these not occurred, you would not be asking these questions. == It's unsubstantiated at present but you threw down the gauntlet successfully and at some point when life distractions get out of my way today, you can expect a little research from me because now *I'm* curious.. I like a good challenge smile emoticon == Buddhism is not the same everywhere. There are families, sects, historical movements that can be easily traced. These things didn't exist as they are at present out of nowhere. They have histories that can be traced. = I'm not saying that knowledge can't be transmitted. I'm talking about the movement of education among peoples. =