I can't say that I agreed with 100% of everything I read from him, but I found myself resonating with nearly all of it, certainly enough to highly recommend him to people who are searching for answers so heavily that they really need to relax a little. He makes everything ok. I think that's my greatest take from him. You can complain about problems and injustices , fight to be right if you like, but at the end of the day, laugh because it's all quite absurd and wonderful. I'd say an ancient Greek philosopher that was _somewhat_ similar was Epicurus. Not exactly but it's a similar outlook to me, in that Osho was all about friendship. Epicurus was all about friendship. Even Camus was all about friendship and absurd but I think he had a darker take on humanity than Epicurus and Osho. But out of them, I think Osho fit me closest. I think I've internalized a lot of what he said and in fact, I likely held similar thoughts before I encountered him, which would explain why I felt myself agreeing so readily to what he had to say. I'm definitely a fan.