"I happen to be in the PERFECT location relative to the Kenneth Udut of 2003 to reconstruct the Kenneth Udut of 2003." I try to apply relativistic sensibilities with everything whenever possible. It's a change in outlook. For example, is Kenneth Udut on January 6, 2015 the same as Kenneth Udut January 6, 2003? No. We're different people.. Quite physically different compositions. Nothing's the same. Yet the copies of myself of which I am is still me but it's a different me. Ship of Theseus. My interests in 2003 were different. My thought patterns were different. Yet, a lot carries over from copy to copy of myself., enough where THAT Kenneth Udut might as well be considered THIS Kenneth Udut. This is how I view the world. Perspective (space and time location, circumstance) all those things matter to me. We have histories. Memories, Documentation. Videos. Can I go back and touch Kenneth Udut of 2003? At present? No. Ever? Don't know although likely not. Still open though. But I can reconstruct him through enough information. I happen to be in the PERFECT location relative to the Kenneth Udut of 2003 to reconstruct the Kenneth Udut of 2003. Will it BE him physically? No. But, can I reconstruct the thought paterns of Kenneth Udut of 2003? Yes I can. In fact, so can other people, if they knew me well enough back then. Its not a physical reconstruction but it's still a reconstruction, just as I an physically and mentally an ongoing reconstruction of my past me's and as this me passes on in the next moments of existence - even the 'me' that existed when I started this message is gone - there's more than enough for me to bring back the 'me' at the beginning of this message to continue "as if" I'm still him. Is it a fiction? Sure. But it's a close-enough-to-fact fiction that one day say: Kenneth Udut was born Jan 28, 1972 and is alive as of Jan 6, 2015, EVEN IF the physical Kenneth Udut at birth has been replaced by thousands of self-copies. == and I want to thank you for the challenges you provided: it helped me produce what I wrote, which I've saved elsewhere as well. I *think of* existence this way, but I don't usually talk about it in such detail normally. Now that I have, I can do so again. I've... ok, I can' t say evolved.... I've - progressed? Hm... no no... I've gained more conceptual metaphors to apply in future conversations. There smile emoticon