Of course - there's definitely good and bad and inbetween. For me, it's not a field I ever felt qualified to judge. Here's what moves me with art: You made that. I know you made that because you told me. Because you made that and we're friends, I'm emotionally invested in giving it a thorough look at and appreciation for your talent and creativity. If somebody else made that that I did not know, I don't know how I would judge it. In fact, I don't know if I _could_ judge it. Music I could probably judge. Writing I could probably judge. But art is something I don't do well at judging. When I ran a Minecraft server (which was a creative server) for 2 years, thousands and thousands of kids, teens and adults built creations on there out of virtual materials. They had free access to anything non-destructive to build with. And so they would spend hours and days, weeks and months on these creations. Massive buildings. Pixel art, whatever they chose. No restrictions outside of the technical restrictions of the medium. Sometimes they'd ask me to judge in a contest. I'd always refuse. I couldn't do it. Not for ethical reasons. Not because it wouldn't be fair. It's because I don't know how much heart someone put into something. I don't know how much thought or effort it took. I don't know how much they care. Those are the metrics that I go with. It's not really a choice; it's just how I see things. == Indeed. Of course societies always pop up with their own rules and guidelines for what's good and bad and people trust and follow their opinions and judgements on things. There's a place for all of that I think smile emoticon