I keep a backup of my brain at [1]http://icopiedyou.com - found this from Oct 28, 2015: "Same with me and Python. I whipped together something quick in Python to see if I could make Minecraft PC do a few things using this mod: [2]https://github.com/kbsriram/mcpiapi and it was pretty easy. " I've recommended Python to people for years even though I'm not fluent in it yet. To me, Python is the closest replacement to Microsoft BASIC from the 80s: It's all purpose. It's powerful. While it has some wonky bits, just like BASIC did/does, it's mostly very easy to read and clear. It enforces good programming habits by design. I usually bring up Python when I wax nostalgic about the days that kids HAD to learn to program to get their computers to do ANYTHING. It benefited me and I think it benefits anybody. BASIC has been dead for years now, at least the "easy-to-use" form that I grew up with. Python is equivalent to me in power and ease-of-use. I just have to learn it completely one of these days smile emoticon [I can *think* in BASIC code. It got me through math classes in school. While they were doing formulas on the board, I was turning them in to algorithms in pseudo-code in my head so they made sense. == Oh, other languages have more wonky bits for sure. It's more like some philosophical differences than "wonky bits". The way python does variables assignments is a little different for example. You don't get two variables when you make a new variable equal to an old variable - you get two of the same variable with two different names. It's not wrong just a different philosophy. But I've heard very few complaints about Python except its strictness really. I highly recommend it. I never saw any wonky bits with old-school BASIC either but people tell me GOTO was a mistake which is why so many languages try to hard to remove it. Silly really - assembler uses goto as critical to its functioning. [your computer is BASICALLY a gigantic spreadsheet with cell pointers that rotate - they're usually on a stack] So mostly philosophical differences. But nothing that doesn't take a moment of, "Oh, ok it works this way? Ok, got it" == [or the contents rotate and the pointers stay still. Whatever - 6 of one, 1/2 a dozen of the other tongue emoticon ] = References Visible links 1. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ficopiedyou.com%2F&h=wAQF81kwk 2. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fkbsriram%2Fmcpiapi&h=wAQF81kwk