Indeed. The same debates today, now between Android and iPhone for example, or gaming consoles vs PC smile emoticon I think the main difference is that communities are more self-forming and can span multiple groups, often without official names. Friendships begin in one place and follow everywhere. It's nice this way. On usenet, you subscribed to certain groups and you were more a member of the group. Groups had almost legendary qualities because it wasn't easy to start one yourself. You had to go through a process of democracy and voting that could get very complicated and people were very "debate"-y about the merits of your new group. the alt hierarchy made that much easier of course. and* Yeah - it's still flamewars but people call it "debating" and calling out fallacies. In its shorter-person (kid) form it's called youtube comments tongue emoticon == I still get that feeling online. I don't get that "exclusiveness" quite from Facebook (although closed groups I do), but I get it on Vine and among some people on Google plus I had it for a while. == But I'd say I feel more free in a sense because i can write _anywhere_ on Facebook and, thanks to Facebook's algorithms, my posts will show up to the people it thinks will like what I have to say, so I end up getting people-responses that I like to hear. They're actually rather clever now that I think about it. == That's likely a part of it too. I'd say I feel a little less free in FB *because* anybody can see anything, so there's some things I just don't say here that I might say in a more insulated community. I guess I just got used to it. In 2002, Google snagged a huge chunk of Usenet and decided to make it easy-to-search. Well, I had to go through REALLY QUICK and get some stuff from 1990/1991/1995 etc deleted 'cause I was like, "no no no no no no no that's not for searching". After that I just threw my hands up in the air and went, "Ok, time to let go of privacy feeling online now - it's 100% public tongue emoticon " - and so I did smile emoticon = But I still see people "exposing their every thought" online just like you did and I did back then. Stuff that will haunt them later on probably. I think what happened to us is probably gaining a set of "public eyes".that we didn't have when we were younger. ==