That was awesome grin emoticon You're just receiving very basic human jealousy and envy here. It was a beautiful film, well done. You covered a lot of territory in a very short period of time, not an easy feat. The demons with the cameras was a fantastic touch! While I may personally disagree with the conclusion (we are the roles we play (and the scripts we read)) nevertheless, it *is* a true enough truism for most people that I will have no trouble recommending this film to others. [most people don't put down their scripts and roles - and it's vitally true that we ARE social creatures; notice I'm not sitting in a room by myself thinking these things, I'm conversing on the Internet, which is a social medium and a society and my persona - my identity as others perceive it *is* apparently something of which I hold value to, because I am enacting it in this very moment, simply by participating here] So, excellently done, and I'll share it with some others who will also appreciate your hard work. Congratulations on getting the funding for the film (not easy at ALL - the grant process scares me honestly, so I do my creative work sloppily, quickly, with whatever cruddy tools I have at hand, and alone and hope for a few likes on a social network somewhere. Congratulations on using the funding wisely and creatively. Thank you for sharing this. like emoticon like emoticon