I enjoyed reading the travels of your a tongue emoticon Now: is it autosaved character by character, on a timed-basis (1 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min... 10 min) Does it save your backspaces? tongue emoticon If there is a bad sector on the data slice on disk 2 that arises from a slight brownout and momentary slowdown of the HD spinning... or an EM surge thanks to a dying motor in your air conditioner that flips a bit on your SSD.... which copy will be carried over into the backup fileserver? Or a sudden surge of extra gravity slows down time temporarily between one of the two aspects of the system causing them to be out of sync, or worse, there's a hacker that gets into the NTP and sends a 73 microsecond delay that occurs at random intervals that slowly sets the two clocks apart from each other, not enough to be noticeable at first because the systems have programmed accuracy of nanosecends... or WORSE - milliseconds.... oh it could get hairy indeed! smile emoticon I'd just like to see computers-as-state systems. Then they'd be more dependable smile emoticon