Why would philosophers care about religion? Are they on the same spectrum and competing for the same spot? == Ok, so they are logically interchangeable? What might be other examples of belief systems other than philosophy and religion that are interchangeable (if not fully equivalent in content)? == [answer I got was: philosophy and religion are exhaustive] == Ok. I can work with that. Yes, I mean interchangeable in a human mind and can be changed one for another. Now, given that: Would you consider Theology as a mixing point between the two, and perhaps having a favorite philosopher/philosophy as another mixing point? By mixing points, I mean places where you see aspects of religion and philosophy in ways where the differences can _appear_ fuzzy rather than binary? == [I say this not to imply anything: I'm just thinking aloud as I go. I don't have preconceived notions (that I'm aware of) with this - just walking through it logically to see where it goes. ==