I ran a Minecraft server for a couple of years (2012-2014) for my nephew, who was 7 at the time and really wanted me to. I did it, it got popular - total of 27,000 unique visitors and lots of dedicated people playing. All creative with a little survival. I was sad when it was killing my poor laptop and I had to shut it down, but I kept ALL of their creations and promised them that SOMEDAY I'd get their creations to them. I feel like the dad in the Lego Movie sometimes because of it but... my poor laptop just wasn't designed for such heavy duty 24 hr service* :) It was an awesome experience. The things these kids/teens/adults create on Minecraft are amazing beyond belief. I still go on the LAN with my nephew (he's 10 now) from time to time and do stuff with him. It's a blast.