Oh the tuning when *I* played was _perfect_. Perfect pitch. I tune OTHER ppls guitars if I hear they're off. Naw, for me it was was the callouses. My senior year I hadn't messed with the guitar in a few years and spent MOST of that month developing the callouses. But I always tuned that guitar before I sat in the hallway and played. == I'm terrible at playing in bands. [not talking school band - that's easy] - three times I gave in and joined bands. Didn't want to. Always keyboard/piano. I'd do it for a few months, make an excuse and get out of it. The worst was "the magnificant 7". Dumb name. 1990-91. All original hippie-ish music. They dragged me to the other colleges and to bars and coffeehouses. Hated it but my friend REALLY wanted me in it. Wiggled my way out eventually. == The stuff I've done is less polished and mostly just weird. I musically ramble and never complete a musical idea generally - just keeps going... or it'll be little scraps of ideas here and there. ==