Homeschooling overall has the potential to be a very good thing, even though there are abuses, so long as there are some standards. My mother wanted to homeschool me in the 80s. But at the time, only "religious nuts" homeschooled. [that's what she was told unfortunately]. She wanted me to be a freethinker, get away from crappy school environment. No regrets, but knowing a number of people that are being successfully homeschooled today, the rise of the Internet (once upon a time it did not exist - it sucked) and the growing availability of alternative options for schooling other than the public school system, I am a fan. In this, as much as I think Bill Nye was a great science guy with his show and stuff, I think the homeschooling advocates _are_ ultimately correct in this case. Standardized education can *still* be set with state standards, but allowing for alternatives at home - or, in my case, it would've been an accelerated educational experience. Do *I* care if a homeschool here and there decides to go with creationism over evolution? As long as they learn ABOUT evolution properly, ,whether they AGREE with it doesn't matter to me. I don't want a monolithic one-size-fits-all education system even IF I agree with what its teaching. We need the variety.