Sting? Laden? Are you dishing out the soup of truth in a ladle? What kind of soup of truth are you ladling out? I find several soups to be quite pleasant, although I have yet to eat truth soup. == if someone comes at me with a fist or a sword, i must defend myself or I get hurt. The person coming after me is attacking me, unless I struck first, in which case they can call it a defense. == If I was constructed of words, then words that offended me would be considered an attack. But, I am not constructed of words. == I'm not any different than anybody else who sits behind their computers typing on the Internet, except I'm here and they're there. == It's likely I'm following my normal script. This very comment is likely part of the same script. I don't consider observation of such self-depreciation in the least, but simple self-awareness. = It's not my job to entertain you, Gary. I'm here because I want to be. Why you're here? Not my problem. =