[1]ken_11_smallerEnder's Game. Read it in the library stacks when it was in the "New Book" section and I was about 14 yrs old.Unschooling / Summerhill / Why Johnny Can't Read are other books I read in that time frame. * Also: https://books.google.com/books?id=pfMKrY3VvigC&printsec=frontcover&dq=kinsey+study+book&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiehI7plK3KAhXDMyYKHSQSANkQ6AEIKzAA#v=onepage&q=kinsey%20study%20book&f=false - I secretly carried that book over to a cubicle and read all about the Kinsey studies, at least the male side 'cause the crappy sex ed books my mom tossed at me wasn't enough - same age - about 14 - voracious reader at the time. == http://www.amazon.com/Creativity-Unleashing-Forces-Within-Insights/dp/0312205198 Went through an Osho phase in 2001/2002 and a bunch of his books. Refreshing idgaf attitude towards life. It was nice. = https://books.google.com/books?id=8ViqQ6qYSjIC&pg=PA109&dq=Philokalia&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiK2KXAr7nKAhVFKCYKHSviAcMQ6AEIRTAE#v=onepage&q=Philokalia&f=false When i was going through my Eastern Orthodox Christian phase, the Philokalia was JUST translated into English, and I'd anxiously await each volume as the translation hit Barnes & Noble. My copies are all full of notes. Good Desert psychology there,with or without the religious context. == * Hm, mush those books together (all the ones on the thread I mentioned), and you can probably create some AI version of "me" that resembled me. == *OH - very transformational book for me: I started with computer programming in the early 1980s - age of 11+ That book right there. Taught me algorithms, boolean logic, all hands-on. I even went through my pre-alegra/algebra/geometry/trig/calc classes mentally translating the terse mathematical language into pseudo-BASIC code in my mind in order to make sense of it.I suppose that little book there was pretty transformational come to think of it. == https://books.google.com/books?id=TRMepagkRcYC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false This book was cool when I was 12/13. Loved imaging ancient aliens and stuff. Put it aside. 10 years later, X-Files came out and I was like, "Oh come on, really?" == *Those were always on my "need-to-read-this" list, but I found myself reading L. Sprague de Camp from a book I got at a garage sale, and liked that style a little better. I think I went through a bunch of Ray Bradbury stuff in the softer sci-fi dept. == [2]Best_of_de_Camp == Well, I'm thinking "loose approximation" - more in the accuracy-enough dept rather than the precision dept. Things that would be "not disagreeable". == Stop. Listen. == *Consider stopping and listening or not. == *You ask for less verbage. I attempted == References Visible links 1. http://icopiedyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ken_11_smaller.jpg 2. http://icopiedyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Best_of_de_Camp.jpg