What's interesting about learned helplessnses is that it's NOT depression or sadness -- it's a kind of passive hopelessness. But it LEADS to depression/sadness/loneliness. It's taught to people too, it's making excuses, or blaming authority figures, or beating yourself up, or pinning some of your problems on someone else. "It's all so and so's fault!". The phrase, "Get er DUN!" is a cure. "Ye...s, you can!" is a cure. "You have the power within." "I can fix that." The little engine that could is the best example of the opposite of learned hopelessness. "I think i can, I think I can, I think I can." Encourage your dogs or cats to do tricks and give rewards and they'll be happy puppies and kitties. Encourage your kids to do things themselves, not because they HAVE to, but help them WANT to. The DRIVE has to come from WITHIN. Know a divorced per... "