A milder version of The Blame Game is this one, "OMG, we made fun of him RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE, and he didn't even realize it! He's SO stupid!' - But what a finger pointer doesn't realize is that not everybody plays the game. There are a lot of expectations for the game: A hint of a blame is given within earshot, designed to make you feel stupid or guilty. You are supposed to feel bad, or... start to make 1000 excuses or confess your 'guilt'. That's about the extent of it. Women and men alike play the game - couples play the game all the time. And they go around and around and around in circles, playing the blame game with each other. It happens a LOT in school (y'all remember it?) - but it's just a game. it's a script. Like a bad tv show and you've been recruited as the unwitting actor who is supposed to react a certain way. Don't fall ... "