^Draven led the very first official tour of the Mystical Woods, waving a stick forward to catch any new cobwebs on the path. A team of four traversed through nature. We visited pines, cypress, and even an animal graveyard, complete with dead ends, twists and large open spaces. One tall member of the team took over the lead at one point, veered off the path. We all followed our gingered, new, tall, fearless leader through an unmarked path full of sticky weeds, which led to a dead end of brush, fallen trees and vines. As the original short, young team leader resumed control of the situation, he muttered to himself, "I'm such an idiot, such an idiot. Why did I follow him THAT way?" As the tour came to a close, we all picked the sticky balls off our shirts, and the team split up, and carried on to the next set of adventures to places unknown.^