If you get up at that time - and the little demons get dark and creepy at that point of the day (it's like a daily "drug crash" that everybody experiences) - try hard to retain the 'observer" character in your mind - the one watching yourself go through this. The Narrator Voice has to be the strongest - the one you have most control of. "Oh look. Those brain chemicals are at work. Stupid brain... chemicals. This will pass. This will pass. Let's see, what do I have to look forward to today? Nothing? No no - that's the chems talking. yes, yes, the crappy stuff - i acknowledge you guys too - but what about the good things? Hmm - maybe I should look in the mirror for a few minutes. maybe i'll draw a warm bath.... No No - what I'm doing is NOT useless - IT'S not a waste of time. Yes, I AM worthy. I'm NOT faking it. I'm not a fraud that they'll see... "