!"Adventure" on The Cardinal --- KYPATH diary * by Anna 4 May 2023 @ 03:45 UTC --- White man in Berea who works for a private college as museum curator and professor: "I took the Cardinal from Cincinnati through West Virginia with my family back when it ran daily. "It was scheduled to depart at 7am. We had to get on the road before 5am to catch it. It arrived over an hour late. We waited in the little closet of a station because most of the former station was turned into museums. We learned it's almost always late. "It seemed the conductor'd never loaded a train before. It was chaotic and confusing as 2 dozen of us waiting were broken into groups of two or three and--it made no sense. "A cool thing we learned they do on the train is when it goes through New River Gorge a Park Service guide gets on to give interpretive and historical commentary. Unfortunately the PA system was broken in more than half the cars, and we couldn't hear him. "They ran out of toilet paper. They had to close the bathrooms, stop somewhere in West Virginia, & send someone to run to the store to buy some. "If I was going to ride it again I'd probably get on in Maysville so we could wake up later, avoid Cincinnati traffic, and skip the claustr- ophobic station and awful boarding. We wanted the experience of boarding in the grand old Union Station, but the station part definitely isn't grand anymore." "I'm always up for an adventure, but that trip soured my wife on Amtrak so much that we prob- ably won't ride Amtrak again. I wish we had a system like Europe had before high-speed rail killed off so many night trains, or Ukraine before the war. I loved riding night trains."