It is Sunday February 23. 2020. I am lying in bed listening to the morning news, and just as I write this, it is announced that the broadcast is now ending, and in comes the smooth, soft tones of jazz that I tuned in for. This is not my first phlog entry. I wrote two more this week. I tried merging them into one file, which created some kind of recursion, and, well, it is all lost now. Hopefully I will get better at this. Yesterday, I listened to a radio interview of the daughter of a famous pianist. Are you suffering of fascism, someone had asked her. Beethoven is too banal, they had said, not sufficiently modern. They all laughed in the studio, Beethoven is incredibly modern, the host claimed, incredibly modern for his time. And to demonstrate this, they put on one of Beethoven's light toned funeral marches. The music stopped, the conversation went on 'til end, until the final musical piece, and as Enescu's violin started singing into my ears, I could not but agree with her critics. -lindus