All I can remember is being on a bbs a few years ago, I brought up sampling interesting sounds off of web based SDR sites & looping them in unreleased works, aka Boards Of Canada & Autechre influences. The sysop mentions "Software Defined Radio is a gateway drug to amateur radio" December 2022/January 2023 I'm at Pidgeon Park in Hernando, carving around on the transitions and mention to my peers "I'm taking the test to become licensed in amateur radio" The response was "You got it. You'll ace it" . Two months later. Playing on Web based SDRs, not even reading the ARRL study guide, & only taking a few practice tests, I walk in the testing site, after carving around Pidgoen park for a whole hour & rocked it. The peers I associate with were right all along. Skateboarding fuels confidence in young and old alike. Thank you Hernanodo Skates, the regulars of Pidgeon Park & Horn Lake "Big Red", you know who you are. I am near FULLY recovered from a month long absince / injury. Much love to Fairlight, G&P, ImPurE art crew, and all of the non-sense we speak on tghe boards and via scrolltexts. KI5ZKM