As the reader can see, the ongoing theme for the last few months are the ongoing rains in northern California. At this writing, we are still experiencing continued rains which, thankfully, has put a serious dent in the many years drought. So much so that the state government has declared the drought officially over. No complaints here. Now that the weather is slowly starting to open up, it is time to clear the jungle out of the garden. I went out back to discover a nocturnal visitor completely overturned the compost bin and rifled through the contents. The fact that I had a cinder block placed on top of the lid of the bin led me to conclude that the offender was either a large cat or a bear. These critters have no respect for property boundaries. Anyway, whoever it is seems to enjoy mango stones. Time to build a compost bin...yet another project. In some of my previous posts, I may have discussed the merits of the Gopher protocol. While perusing the command line bulletin board at SDF (, I came across a post by wrstone which provided some interesting insight as to the role Gopher plays in current times. Essentially he addressed the issue of what he termed survivability, "No data format has thus survived any test of time rather than plain text. Databases come and go, but text always remains." He adds, "It defeats censorship bots. The HTML URLs produced by the proxy are (at present) immune to bots. It makes for nasty URLs, but that's what URL-shortening is for. It's also very under-the-radar. This is important to me." Evidence is strong that the NSA is literally capturing every bit of internet traffic relegating privacy to the dustbin of history. Now that Trump has signed off on legislation repealing FCC rules prohibiting ISP's from recording and selling a user's online activity, it is now wise to stay under-the-radar. There is no targeted advertising in Gopherspace and (at present) Uncle Sam is probably not giving much weight to Gopher. Time will tell, but in light of recent leaks about CIA Vault 7 and NSA snooping, Gopher may grow beyond a small cult following. Being somewhat of a minimalist, I appreciate the Gopher protocol's elegant simplicity.