It appears the local resident quadrapeds have found our tomatos and are feasting on the low hanging fruit, so I am going to have to come up with some creative solution. I would prefer not to pluck the tomatoes before they ripen, but we may have to until I can work out a plan of action. Received the new whetstone I had ordered not only for the bush blade, but also for the ditch blade after peening. Previously when I had peened the ditch blade and then tried to make the edge keen with the medium grit natural stone, it just wouldn't do the job. I later learned it is good to go over the blade with a coarser synthetic stone after peening then finish with the medium grit natural stone. The final edge took a small nick out of my right thumb when I was putting the blade back on the snath, so obvious it worked. With scything, it is a constant learning process. I'll get back after it in the morning. In other news, this is how Washington is going to finish us all off...fye: Talking about nuclear bombs, the following summarizes the myth about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki...the comments are also interesting: More later...