life has kept me busy as of late so let me try to catch up a bit. The rains in the spring did not abate till late, consequently the planting was a bit delayed. This summer has been on the cool side so our tomato yield has been spartan although some of the white cherry tomatoes seem to be producing better than the others. Most of the vegetables went into black containers to absorb more of the daytime warmth. This year, instead of relying on various fertilizer mixtures (both diy and commercial), we chose to go with good old fashioned composted cow manure. I have to say, it's cheap and it seems to have worked better than anything else we have tried in the past. For container planting, we simply used a mixture of manure and soil from the lower side of the property where water tends to gather in the winter. Results have been promising especially with the early girl tomatoes we have put on the deck (more sun there). Hopefully the fall will be a bit warmer to goad the eggplants into fruiting. We did manage to get the solar panel moved to a more permanent location. Already I am noticing better performance from the panel as it receives more sunlight through out the day. I have room on the framework for three more panels which should be plenty sufficient for our satellite internet and backup power Firewood is almost stacked. Experience from previous years has shown that 1 cord would be sufficient (that's about all the shed will hold anyway). The splitting, like last year, will be accomplished with a sliding hammer splitter. This year's wood is well seasoned, should split easily and burn hot. The house still has single pane windows which has little if any insulating value, but the wood burning stove has kept the house toasty in the winter so I am not in much of a hurry to replace the windows. The small stack of remaining wood will get stacked as and when the rains start approaching...Hopefully soon. * Water woes * The sight gauge is slowly creeping up on the water tank which means the well is not keeping up with the water demand. Retro fitting the toilets with more efficient flushing mechanisms probably has helped a bit, but what is probably sucking up most of the water is the garden and laundry. Going forward, only the plants that are producing anything are going to get the water. Dishes get hand washed while recapturing the rinse water for the next load. Got it down to ~ 1 gal. of water for a load of dishes (wash and rinse). The automatic dishwasher makes a great drying rack as that's about all it's good for right now. Clothes washer use will have to be restricted, but we might be able to capture water while showering and use that to at least wash our underwear and small items. This is the time of year where the well's recovery rate begins to slow and we have to take extra conservation measures. One lesson learned is that we planted too much this year and I also need to rework the irrigation system to reduce water waste to a bare minimum. I don't want to have water trucked in if I can avoid it. I have a request in to our well guy to test the deep well that had previously supplied the household water, but later stopped producing. If it has started producing again, even if it is just a little, it would be cheaper to get it running than trying to build out infrastructure to the back side of the property where the third well is located. The other option would be to install a second water tank to store water during the rainy season to cover our needs during the summer and fall dry time. As I may have mentioned in previous posts, water scarcity is going to be a growing issue world wide, and like fossil fuels, determining what is sufficient water for a household is going to become a policy challenge for the governing authorities in the future. Bottom line, we are going to have to make do with less whether it be energy or water. * Do I smell a rat? * Although I have not personally seen one, I suspect we have rat hiding somewhere. The size of the droppings were the first clue. The second clue was a hole nibbled into the bottom of a shopping bag that was sitting on one of our dining chairs. Interestingly, in a ziploc bag that was inside the shopping bag, was several packets of powdered fizzy vitamin c (fruity flavored) that was apparently irresistible to said rodent. The chewed packets were discovered on the dining chair and the floor below one fine morning. Our perpetrator obviously enjoyed the contents, went back to his/her hiding place then proceeded to barf and shit the contents of his/her most likely bloated digestive tract leaving a sickly sweet stench wafting through a good portion of the house. Until we can plug the holes from which he/she came, we are going to have to be more vigilant with cleaning and keeping food items out of reach. Sniff...sniff...ah country living at it's finest. :-D Watching the senate supreme court nominee hearings has left me with the conclusion that the country is in for some serious political upheaval as time wears on. This schism is growing... *sigh*