###More fun with images **WARNING**, If you are on a slow connection, go enjoy a cup of coffee because it will take a few minutes for the animated images to load. I thought I might take the image reduction experiment one step further and see what I could do with video. Video over a slow connection is an exercise in patience, but after giving some thought, it might be possible albeit on a very limited scale. ![nuclear explosion](http://melton.sdf-us.org/images/explosion.gif) I chose to take a similar approach that I took with still images utilizing an ordered dithering algorithm. Right now, I have had to settle for an animated gif, but I suspect there is most likely another more efficient format. It will do the job for now as I research further. In this case, I took a 10 second snippet [from this video](https://youtu.be/m6DsC6Mmh34) which is a frighteningly familiar scene. The original video extract was 17 megabytes...waaay too much for a slow connection (such as dialup) and the energy footprint not only on the server and browser sides, but also transport made the original snippet a budget buster. So, let us do some more processing with the segment. First I attempted to process it with Imagemagick like I did with still images as Imagemagick can output animated gifs. The Atom processor on this old Toshiba choked and then barfed, so no go with that method. The next method involved splitting out the individual frames with ffmpeg and then converting each individual frame with Imagemagick. This yielded a total of 100 frames (10 seconds at 10 frames per second) The processor was much happier with this approach. The first pass without any ordered dithering algorithm produced a much smaller animated gif at 2.7 megabytes. Much better, but still not good enough. The next run, I applied some ordered dithering which brought the file size to 324 kilobytes which is now in the realm of where we need it. I gave the snippet one last pass tweaking the ordered dithering a bit and finally brought the final file size down to 304k. It still takes a couple of minutes to download over dialup, but it's a start. For those interested, here's the code: `ffmpeg -i input -vf scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,fps=10 \ frames/ffout%03d.png` \# and then process the frames `convert -quiet -loop 0 -delay 10 \ frames/ffout*.png -ordered-dither o4x4 +map \ output.gif` There is probably scope to tweak the scale a bit smaller, but one can get the idea. Of course there is a newer compression algorithm called webp that does an admirable job and might be worth exploring, but unfortunately the resulting file at 585k, it is still a bit too large for a slow connection and would also consume more energy to compose, serve, transport and display (particularly on legacy browsers). ![webp explosion](http://melton.sdf-us.org/images/explosion-2.webp) Even the animated gif at the top, took two and half minutes to download over a simulated dialup connection. Anyway, it's an interesting exercise, but most likely I will confine this site to still images to keep things lean and mean. As I had mentioned in a previous post, the Gopher protocol still has by far the tiniest energy footprint as it is just plain ascii. Gopher, it seems maybe garnering renewed interest not only in the niche retro computing community, but perhaps also with some who are weary of the web cruft and intrusiveness and who are looking for just pure content. Bleeding edge hardware all the way back to your atticware [68k Mac can browse gopher since it makes very little demand on the client machine.](https://tinyurl.com/ych8fqa9) A few web sites have responded to this resurgence such as [Project Gutenberg](gopher://dante.pglaf.org/), [Gopherpedia](gopher://gopherpedia.com/), [Metafilter](gopher://gopher.metafilter.com/) and I'm sure there are others. Even some news portals are at least providing some text only interfaces to their full sites. [NPR](https://text.npr.org/) comes to mind even though I'm not a fan.