OK, hello world and welcome to my living room. I am a 50-something cat co-dependent with a love for programs and hackery, but a loathing of what we generally call "software". Looks like writing with emacs using tramp works nice. Good times. I discovered SDF at in April this year (2022) but didn't really spend time here until, having made a mastodon account to add to my collection, the twitterverse burst into flames and ran screaming from reality. I had abandoned Twitter for mental health reasons a couple years ago, as with Facebook a few years before that; it was a strange experience. I got energized by that diaspora, and unlike my other mastodon choices, made over several years, I found SDF unexpectedly to be an actual community once I scratched at the surface. Once I got here I found myself transported to a time before... everything? I remember sitting in the studio of friend who made IDM in the early 1990s, listening to people dialing into his BBS, watching the screen on the BBS machine scoll stuff at 14.4kbps. It took me a little while to fully inhabit those mental spaces. I had been a nerdy kid, programming my Vic20 and then BBC Model B micro, even learning assembly language for the Vic20. During the BBC computer's life, I spent a bunch of my parents money on 300-1200 BAUD calls to Prestel, a BBS with the same aesthetics as teletext. They had a chunk of real estate dedicated to BBC Micro hobbyists and there were message board I spent a lot of time with. But I only narrowly understood what kind of space I was in.