``` o /\--) /\ under deconstruction.. .:::::::::::::::::::::::.. ``` => Bizarro-Devolution.jpg Bizarro - Devolution => ClimateChangeTimeline.jpg Climate Change Timeline => CodingForDoom.jpg Coding For Doom => DQuinn-TheFence.png D Quinn - The Fence => EndtimeOpportunities.jpg Endtime Opportunities => EscherTreeOfLife.jpg Escher Tree Of Life => GreenConsumerism.png Green Consumerism => HopiumDen.jpg Hopium Den => LadyGaia.jpg Lady Gaia => LimitsToGrowth-BAU-curves.png Limits To Growth - B A U -curves => MineralBaby.jpg Mineral Baby => MotoringThruHistory.jpg Motoring Thru History => OceanMicroPlastics.jpg Ocean Micro Plastics => ResearchConcluded.png Research Concluded => SteadyAsSheGoes.jpg Steady As She Goes => UNDRR-GAR-2019-ShitCreek.png U N D R R - G A R -2019 - Shit Creek => WeightOfWildlife.jpg Weight Of Wildlife